Hilde Koenders

Moooi Carpets

Hilde Koenders is a versatile spatial designer who explores the realms of fashion, environment, and the arts. With a knack for defying expectations and injecting humor into her designs and ideas, she has made a name for herself in the industry. Graduating with honors from the prestigious Design Academy Eindhoven in 2005, Hilde has collaborated with renowned figures such as Belgian fashion designer Walter van Beirendonck, trend analyst Lidewij Edelkoort, and Stijlinstituut Amsterdam. She has also contributed to View Magazine’s ‘Future of Making’ research. Notably, Hilde has been instrumental in developing themes, concepts, and designs for Modefabriek, a prominent biannual fashion trade show in Amsterdam. In addition to her role as a guest teacher at Artemis Academie, Hilde now focuses on her own creative projects and client commissions from her Amsterdam-based studio.

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